Sunday, October 13, 2013

help-how to leave a comment on our blog

As some people may have problems to leave a comment on our blog, we decided to create a post about it. Hope this will help!

Step 1: 

Click on "no comments" or "add comment", depending on whether someone has already commented or not.

Step 2:

Wait for a white box to open and enter the text you want to leave. Be aware that your comment will be visible to everybody! ;-)

Click on "Select profile"! A popup will open and you may chose between one of the options. If none of the options fits you, simply chose "Anonymous"!!

Step 4:
Click on "Publish" and wait! This may take a while (maybe days!), as we need to accept your comment! It will NOT be visible immediately! So, please, be patient!! ;-)

PS: It seems like leaving a comment with "Safari" is not possible. Sorry guys!!

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