Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Myanmar-a strange experience

On our first day in Yangoon, we were lucky (?) to witness a quite strange event. A group of Shia muslims were commemorating the death of Husayn ibn Ali, the third imam who was killed in the battle of Karbala. It is called "The mourning of Muharram".


Men and even boys were flaggelating themselves, while women were following the beat hitting their chest. Soaked in blood, they sang some kind of "battle-hymne" and suddenly kneeled down and cried. The streets were covered with blood and so were we. Have a look at the video! A very impressive happening that finished as quickly as it had started.

Myanmar- the streets of Yangon

After a very very long and sleepless night at the KL airport, we finally arrived in the former capital of Myanmar: Yangon. 
At first glance the city doesn't really look like a big city (more like a village), but then if you get to wander around a little, you'll get to experience its vastness. 

The streets of Yangon are full of surprises and funny discoveries. Cheun and Ron try some huge grasshoppers, we find some happy chicken which are in fact ducks and some strange toilets. We guess: new country, new habits. And as you maybe have noticed, we have quite well adapted in Asia already: our daily life is MUCH about food!!! Yummy!

Myanmar- Yangon: Sule, Botataung and Shwedagon Paya

The three most impressive pagodas (paya) in Yangoon are Sule Paya, Botataung and, of course, Shwedagon Paya. They are fabulous.
If Sule Pagoda is smaller, it gives you a more intimate feeling of the cultural and religious habits of Burmese and it might simply be the coolest roundabout we have ever seen! 
Botataung Pagoda is located at the riverside, has a pond and is quite kitsch. 
Shwedagon Pagoda is by far the most impressive one we have encountered on our trip in the last 4 month. The site in itself is huge, a lot of people mingle around and still- it all seems so calm.
Check out the links for further information:

Sule Paya:


Shwedangon Paya:


 Botataung Sule:
