Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Philippines- Siquijor

After MacMac and Philipp had left us, we were all alone again. We headed to Siquijor- supposedly an island known for whichcraft. We rented a bike there and went on a discovering daytrip. 
The first stop was the old enchanted Balete tree. The tree offered welcomed shade on a very sunny and hot day. We also dipped our feet in a pool filled with hungry fish who gave us a nice massage. Then we went to Kagusuan Beach. The beach and the landscape were really beautiful and only few people were there. Our final stop were the Cambugahay Falls. After descending 138 steps, we finally reached this haven of freshness. Indeed we didn’t hesitate to jump in the water and cool off. 

Philippines- Dauin

Our next destination was Dauin. We went with Philipp (a german guy we spend a month with on Apo) and MacMac ( aka Big Mac or Mark Mendez; our apo-DM-friend) to muck dive. After seeing amazing coral gardens and fish we were ready for some sand and weird creatures. So we spend 3 days staring into dark sand hoping to find the unexpected- and yes, we did! :-)

Philippines- Leaving Apo Island

After almost three months on the island we left Apo more than heavyhearted. Well, the sea and island lifestyle will for sure be missed. Tough leaving all the people who made Apo our 'home' was the hardest part. Of course, we had one last celebration- the despedida – on which we were treated with lechon and mangofloat and for which we did prepare yummy pasta (aka Espagetti).  We hereby thank all of our Apo-friends for their hospitality and kindness and their singing and dancing talents in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. Apo is (and will be) our Asian home:-) and we will be back soon, as we miss you already now!