Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thailand- Koh Tao

To get to our next destination we took a night bus and speedboat- but this exhausting journey was worth it. We arrived in Koh Tao and relaxed on perfect white sand beaches, did some snorkelling and, finally,  had some holidays:-)
Actually these were the last days spent with Ron's family.... thank you for visiting, Sylvie and Pier!! We hope you had a fabulous time!

Thailand- Kanchanaburi

The bridge over the River Kwai is legendary. It really got famous because of the same named movie and the more recent "The Railway Man". 
We were also interested about it, so we went to the Railway museum and later took the train for a 3 hours journey. Pier above all of us had the best time.

Thailand- Chiang Mai

After all this sightseeing, we were a little fed up with all this "dead stones* and needed a change of our cultural program. Chiang Mai was the perfect destination for it. In fact we did some rafting there- first time we saw Sylvie and Pier on all "4" legs:-) and rode  Elephants- a must in Thailand. 

Thailand- Sukhothai

Considered the first independent thai kingdom and handily located on our travel route, we had to make a stop in Sukhothai. We spent a whole day in a tuk-tuk driving around the historical park where you can find dozens of ancient buildings within a 5km radius.